Niche Mortgages
Taking the Theme Literally: A Response on Niches
38 Security Drive Avon, CT 06001
Norcom Mortgage has been highly successful in writing mortgages for all kinds of homeowners – first-time homebuyers, experienced mortgage shoppers, veterans, people looking to refinance, and more. We are more flexible than your average lender. We can tailor a mortgage to fit your specific needs. We work quickly, so you’re not left hanging for answers. We offer a wide range of mortgages and our rates are about as low as you’ll find anywhere. Above all, our experts are ready to go above and beyond to help you get just the right home loan. So no matter what kind of shopper you are, remember: Norcom means mortgage.

Much has been said about the impact the Dodd-Frank Act has had, and will have, on the mortgage industry. Early concerns involved overburdening restrictions and the impossibility of compliance, but as companies finalize their plans to manage the new regulations, what emerge are not so much concerns about day-to-day operations, but the shifts the new regulations will prompt in industry philosophy.